Phylippa Thomas 21st September 2018

If one day you find me gone and no longer see my form walking through the door as you remember. Look for me in the skies painted turquoise with the day, In stars that make the heavens sing, In the scented flames of gorse that crown the hills, See me in the eyes of the one you love. Look for me in the quiet of your heart. If one day you find me gone and my voice no longer greeting you on the stair, from the chair, or along some country walk. Listen for me in the high wise trees, In the waves that rush to meet your feet. Hear me in the quiet of your heart. If one day you find me gone and my arms no longer there to greet you, Feel me in the evening breeze that cools the day, In the touch of your child's hand, In the warmth of your animal's fur, and in the air that dries the tears from your cheek. Feel me in the quiet of your heart. Yes if one day you find me gone know that, instead, I am in the quiet of your heart, for how can you lose something that is eternal?